You’re about to have a newborn in your home (or have a brand newborn), and it’s time to take photos of those precious early days, but what to wear?! I’ve got you! Here are 5 tips for what to wear for your in home newborn photo session

Think In Home Comfort & Nursing Friendly For your Newborn
Trust me on this one…you just had a baby, and the LAST thing you want to do is put something on your body that does not feel comfortable. So you want to think loose, flowy, and soft! You want clothes that makes you feel as confident as possible. Something that really makes you feel like yourself. Our bodies go through so freaking much to bring a baby into the world. Put something on that makes you feel human again!
If you are nursing, you’ll also want whatever you choose to be nursing friendly. Your baby will need to eat during the shoot. If you are nursing, quick access will make all the difference to keep little one AND mama happy, which is obviously our number one goal.

Compliment Your Home Decor
If you have a specific color scheme in the areas of your home where we will be shooting, wear something that compliments that color scheme. For those that have bold colors in your home, wear a complimentary color to the most primary one in your home, or a neutral color. But if your home is mostly neutral, maybe go for something with a pop of color!

Pick Something Very Simple for Your Newborn to Wear
The very best way to photograph your newborn in your home is in just a diaper or something very simple and clean. We don’t want to distract from those tiny little hands, wrinkles, and all of their precious features. So really we want your newborn to wear nothing at all or something very minimal.

Advice for Husbands
Okay you’re probably sensing a theme at this point, but again, keep it simple! For husbands I recommend a nice t shirt, polo, or henley top. And it should have no words or graphics on it! You’ll also want it to compliment what you are wearing and the colors in your home.

Barefoot in Your Home is Best
Wearing socks or shoes in your home can look a little unnatural in photos, so just stick to bare feet. You’ll even match your bay this way. Believe me. Your feet look fine, and won’t be the focal point of these newborn photos.

What Not to Wear for Your In Home Newborn Photos
Let’s just go over a few what not to wear recommendations.
-Dresses you can’t nurse in. They take too much time and energy to get in and out of and can lead to a fussy newborn.
-Anything you aren’t comfortable wearing. Whether it’s because it literally feels uncomfortable or because you don’t feel confident, make a different choice!
-Big bows or words/logos. For newborn photos in your home, we want all attention on you and baby. Sticking to clean and simple lines helps us focus on the important moments we are documenting!
-Socks! Socks cut off the line of your leg and generally don’t look nice in photos. Being barefoot looks more natural and helps elongate the lines in the photos.
I’m always here to help in case you need some recommendations on specific pieces. Just reach out! And In case you are on the fence about doing an in home newborn photo session, read some of my favorite reasons to go for it here!
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